Liberty Generator not SCAM
I have to start off with a confession. I used to be very gullible. Especially when it came to the things I`m most passionate about, such as survival. I used to get enthusiastic about every new survival book on the market, every innovative idea… even about the little things such as a simple tweak to a stockpiling technique.But what thrilled me most was discovering all sorts of green energy inventions. Whether it was an electric motor inspired by Nikola Tesla`s work, a DIY solar panel system or a wind turbine, I had to try them all. It was like receiving a brand new toy. A toy that was supposed to bring me energetic freedom. Because, as much as I resent admitting it, my hate for Big Energy tops my enthusiasm for building innovative machinery.
Unfortunately, that enthusiasm faded away somewhere after the fifth product I`ve bought, but never managed to make it work. I thought it was me, maybe I`m no good with building electronics… But I talked to other people on forums and they all seemed to be just as technologically challenged as I was.
Naturally, I put the big, fat “SCAM” label on all such products and stopped wasting my money on them…Until three weeks ago, when a survivalist friend of mine (just as enthusiastic as I am) insisted I payed him a visit to see his latest “work”.
I was so curious, I drove to his house the next day. He led me to his backyard and showed me a rather strange-looking hut that deposited “the heart of this whole house”. It was a biogas generator. More precisely, it was the DIY Liberty Generator.
Imagine how skeptical I was when I heard he bought a DIY generator on the Internet, built it at home, turned it on… and watched it work like it`s the most natural thing in the world. I was sitting there, looking at it working…and I still couldn`t believe it.
So I bought Liberty Generator myself. And now I want to share my experience with you and tell you exactly how it restored my faith in affordable, DIY green energy.
Claim #1: It will slash your electricity bill by 80%
I haven`t got mine yet, but when I visited my friend, he showed me his bill and it was 60% off. And he`d only had his Liberty Generator for a month. I never would`ve believed it, but I saw the bill with my own eyes.Now, I don`t know if it`s the size of the generator (he built quite a big one), but it`s still a LOT. Imagine slashing 60% off your electric bill…You wouldn`t mind that at all, would you?
Claim #2: Building your Liberty Generator will cost you less than $200
This made me laugh when I saw it. Everyone makes the same claim: “It only takes you $300 to build your solar panel” or “With less than $200, you`ll have a perfectly functional wind turbine in your backyard”. But when you start building the thing, you realise the costs are about ten times higher.Not with this one. When I added the costs, I couldn`t believe my eyes: $37.5. I am NOT kidding you. I had a lot of the stuff I needed around the house, so I only had to buy four pieces from the hardware store. One of them was $9.
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Claim #3: Liberty Generator costs has NO maintenance costs whatsoever
So far, this claim proved to be true. A biogas generator works on the most inexpensive and most widely available bio fuel you could possibly imagine: grass, leaves, wood, animal waste… even leftovers from your daily meals. Everything bio works just fine.I`ve been feeding this baby leftovers from dinner, dried leaves, and even my dog`s waste for three weeks now. It`s been working non-stop, powering everything in the house, from the dishwasher in the kitchen to the lights in my garage.
Claim #4: You can build your Liberty Generator in less than four hours
Well, depends on how you see it. The building itself took me about 3 hours, indeed, but I had help from a neighbor. However, I had to dig a hole to make room for the generator and that added some extra time to the process.Depending on how big you want the generator to be (yes, it`s scalable!), if you include the digging part, it can take you from 6 hours to a couple of days. The good part is it won`t take you more than a weekend to finish the job, no matter the size of the generator.
Bottom line: Amazingly, Liberty Generator exceeded my expectations like no other product. I was so used to being scammed that I`m still in shock this one actually works.
The thing I love the most about it is that it doesn`t cost a thing to keep it working. You just gather some leaves, some grass and maybe some leftovers (although I heard some people only “feed” it leftovers and it still works) and you can keep it running for as long as you want to.
I wholeheartedly recommend you to get Liberty Generator, scale it to the size that`s most convenient to you and wait for the results. I am very curious to hear about your experience with it, so please share it with us.
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